This intensive one day course shows you how to deal effectively with the common problem of overdue accounts while maintaining positive customer relations, focusing on good communication skills and negotiation skills to ensure prompt payment.

Context of Course

On completion of the Certificate in Debt Collection, you will understand the concept of profiling and how to develop a profile.  You will also understand the scope of debt collection and which psychological prompts can be used at any given time, during a collection process. Understand the techniques in making Debt Collection Telephone Calls.  You will also be able to explain the use and timing of sending letters to maximise their impact. Understand how to implement the RECOUP module of recovery in every aspect of your business practises, and procedures from sales to litigation.  Through developing your own knowledge, the module will equip the learner with the latest best practice techniques, used in the collection industry 

What will I learn?

1.   Overview of the Debt Collection Process; The role of The Debt Collection Process, its structure, and individual components of each stage of the Debt Collection Process. The purpose of each stage and how the RECOUP module fits within Collection Process. 

2.   Use of Psychology in debt collection; the role and importance of prompts and cues; definition of prompt; rules for prompting; types of prompts to elicit the response required; physical prompts; verbal prompts; the use of directions; the role and importance of cues; definition of cues; verbal cues and modelling; types of verbal cues; the use of questioning and prompting to elicit responses

 3. Debt Collection Telephone Skills; telephone collections; types of telephone collections; voice projection;    steps in a collection call; planning the telephone call, identifying outcomes; the telephone call structure, the five steps; the use of silence; establishing authority; telephone collections; types of telephone collections; voice projection; steps in a collection call; planning the telephone call, identifying outcomes; the telephone call structure, the five steps; the use of silence; establishing authority; negotiating skills; dealing with different types of customer

4.   Written Communication; stages in the collection process and types of communications; formal letters style and structure; drafting the letter, tone, content, consequences and negotiation; use of electronic means of communication; negotiating skills; dealing with different types of customer; overcoming objections and resolving disputes through letters. Adhering to the Pre-Action protocols when drafting letters and the letter of demand. 

5.   Demands for payment and final demands and Tricks of the trade

The purpose of demands and final demands; the language of final demands; Statutory Demands and their effect on businesses; tricks of the trade; insolvency and its use in debt collection; envelopes and their effect on the debtor. 


On completion of the certificate in Debt Collection learners will understand the role of debt collection, which psychological prompts can be used at any given time, during a collection process. Understand the techniques in making Debt Collection Telephone Calls.  You will also be able to explain the use and timing of sending letters to maximise their impact. Understand how to implement the RECOUP module of recovery in every aspect of your business practises, and procedures from sales to litigation understand the concept of why we still need to use telephone calls to reach a speedy resolution. 

Who's it for?

This programme is designed for people who wish to gain an understanding of principles and practice of controlling credit and managing debt collection in any type of business.

How it's delivered: Classroom, Zoom or In-house

Course Type: 

Background to course provider: Recoup Training Solutions Centre Of Excellence


Discounts available for block booking of courses.

Discounts available when booked 4 weeks or more in advance.


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